Monday, October 27, 2008
Russian Drama - Vanya is a handsome and intelligent six-year-old Russian orphan who is fiercely determined to escape from the orphanage to find his real mother. He is nicknamed "the Italian" as he is marked for adoption by a wealthy Italian couple. What an exciting film this is! And with fine acting. 99 min.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Forever Young (1992)
Human Drama/Romance - USA 1939 - Army test pilot (Mel Gibson) is deeply in love with his wife to be. Tragically, she is hit by a car and becomes comatose with no prognosis of waking up. To cope with his misery our hero the test pilot volunteers to be frozen alive in a cryogenics experiment. When he is woken up 50 years later, he has some challenging adventures. Unusual story and some fun performances. Starring Mel Gibson, Elijah Wood, Jamie Lee Curtis. 102 min
Friday, October 24, 2008
Mother of Mine (2005)
Foreign Film - Finland and Sweden during World War II.. The backdrop of this film is based on truth - evacuation of 70,000 Finnish children to neutral Sweden in 1943. Eero's dad is killed by the Russians, and his mom gives him up to the authorities to be sent to Sweden to a foster family. Disappointment arises when the Swedes learn he is not a girl, but a boy. And the boy discovers that it is not a vacation as his mom referred to it, but a long endeavor away from home. Fabulous performances all around and lovely views of the Swedish countryside/farmland. 1 hr. 51 min.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Like Water for Chocolate (1992)
Foreign Drama - Spanish with English subtitles - Mexico in the early 1900's - Tita, youngest daughter falls deeply in love with Pedro, but Tita's mother forbids the marriage on the grounds Tita must care for her mother. Instead the mother offers Tita's older sister and Pedro marries her! But passions continue to rage and Tita pours her heart and soul into her cooking. Somehow the family manages to stay together but not without some amazing consequences. Very well written and acted with fabulous photography! 1 hr.46 min.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (2008)
Farcical comedy - based on the novel of the same title - London 1930's. Old-fashioned governess stumbles into working for a young starlet - and finds she has a talent for directing the star's "social schedule". More like a play than a drama, and with some over-acting, but entertaining and with an upbeat ending. 92 min.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Chocolat (1988)
French Drama (not to be confused with Chocolat of 2000 - same title but completely different movie) Young girl growing up in Cameroon lives a life amidst natural beauty, wealth and servants. Tensions arise when a small plane makes an emergency landing near her remote abode and the stranded passengers become house guests for nearly a month. Fantastic photography, real performances, and a look at racial tension. 1 hr 46 min.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Summer (1986)
French Film "Le Rayon Vert" (The Green Ray) - serious look at a very lonely girl from Paris. Boyfriendless, and abandoned by her girlfriend (at the last minute), she is forced to vacation alone. But she is miserable. Actress Marie Rivere creates a very real and neurotic character in Delphine. Painful to watch as Delphine is very much stuck in her shell. But there is a ray of hope for her! 96 min.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
La Ceremonie (1996)
French Drama - wealthy family living in the French countryside find "the perfect maid" only to realize later that this shy woman has some unusual characteristics. The maid befriends a family enemy causing great discord. Story moves along innocently though turns quite dark in the end. Fine acting (Isabelle Huppert, Sandrine Bonnaire, Jacqueline Bisset) and lovely photography. 1 hr 51 min.